Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Clean your fridge in 10 easy Steps

If perhaps you've thought your refrigerator needs a cleaning, I have a way to ensure it receives a thorough disinfecting. Here is the 10-Step process:
1. You will need a very old, mostly gone, practically fermented jar of pickles (the kind where the lid hardly even screws on).
2. Put it on a shelf in your fridge.
3. When in a hurry to put groceries away, shove the entire back of fruits onto that same shelf.
4. Leave it for a day or so. And though you may wonder what the italian spice smell is you will think that perhaps it is leftovers from the day before. (it is actually that same old jar of pickles which slightly tipped over and is slowly yet quietly dripping, dripping, dripping pickle juice down the entire back of your fridge)
5. After leaving it for a day, you will finally recognize the smell as pickles and begin your search for a spill.
6. Upon removing 3 drawers, 2 shelves, and 1 light bulb cover, you will discover many cracks and crevices awaiting spilled pickle juice. CLEAN IMMEDIATELY! Even if your kids are waiting for lunch and begging for food, you must remove that pickle smell NOW!
7. Be sure to wipe the pickle juice off the lightbulbs. (so much for the light bulb spill shield) Spray the fridge with some serious disinfectant in hopes that the smell may be removed.
8. Spend 5 minutes trying to figure out how to put all the shelves and drawers back in.
9. Wah-lah! After 20 minutes of cleaning, you now have a disinfected fridge. Be sure to put baking soda on a spill-proof shelf to help with the remaining odor and always remember that there are condiment holders in the door of your fridge for a good reason!
10. Lastly and most importantly...Realize that spilled pickle juice is nothing to cry over and that it ranks extremely low on the totem-pole for adversity/trials. And even though it may be hard to resist eating that dark chocolate for comfort, you can be strong to your 2-week commitment to avoid sweets.

So there you have it - a perhaps not-so-easy way to clean your fridge.


Mary said...

Ohhh, bummer Heather. I've had a few bites of the chocolate sheet cake today and nothing NEAR that traumatic hit us. Just an average day in the Brunson household. Way to be strong with the no sweets!!!

Jolene said...

This is a reminder to me that I need to just buckle down and clean my refrigerator. It''s one of those I'll do that later tasks. I really should just do it. Why not now!

Alison said...

You are too funny. Sorry about the spilled pickle juice! Fridge spills are the worst, or that smell that you just can't figure out which tupperware it's coming from every time you open the fridge. It just reminds me of one day when I was getting out the eggs and the carton buckled as I got it out, holding the wrong corner, and all 18 eggs crashed and broke all over the floor. I wanted to sit down and cry at that moment too. Way to go resisting the dark chocolate! You can do it!

Amy D. said...

um, so like, did this happen to you or something, Heath! Sorry 'bout that! Jo! don't clean your fridge yet or something like spilling half the jell-o while you are putting it in to set up, will happen. Like by the next day--guaranteed! Ha!

{B}dreamy said...

Hahaha, soooo funny! And soooo true! *sigh* Thanks for making me smile!