Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Discipline...hey that's a great topic. I've been thinking about President Hinckley's counsel to make sure we are always improving ourselves. And I was thinking about different aspects of my life and wondered if I'm becoming stagnant in some things or if I am at least striving to better myself. So, this quote is a reminder to me that sometimes improvement takes self-discipline, self-control, a goal, and a commitment. Definitely not always an easy thing to do...but in the end it's worth the struggle. Onward and Upward! (I got the above image from Rhonna Farrer, a cute scrapbooking gal who used to have an inspiring blog)


Alison said...

Very good reminder, Heath, to always be improving. Something I need to work on in so many areas!!! Thanks!

Amy D. said...

Excuse me, are we still on the no chocolate cake theme here? Hmm, well it's mostly gone so maybe I can jump on board. Exercise--I'm with you babe! No chocolate this week-nuh-uh. But love the theme and I will choose my thing to improve upon and etc... Love you and how encouraging you are!!!