Friday, March 30, 2007

Caterpillars, Colds, & Patience

Wow - it looks like I hit my 200th blog post. Perhaps I blog too frequently. :)

Here are this week's happenings:
1. Attack of the Caterpillars. Yesterday we set up the mini swimming pool and let the kids play in it and while I was outside hosing off the porch, I saw 10+ caterpillars on our house or porch. And the wasps and hornets are starting to try to find places to build their huts (which I keep knocking down or spraying). Bugs - please go away! And no - I didn't even take a picture of the bugs, if you can even believe that!
2. A Man with a Cold. Jimmy rarely gets sick but this week, he's been down for a few days. Of course the kids have tried to help him get better by watching movies together on our bed or offering sippy cups to him. That's gotta be helpful!! I think he will be on the mend soon since he went to the doctor today and got some antibiotics for his sinus infection.
3. Patience. I was searching for a different quote this week but came across this talk Patience by Neal A. Maxwell. It requires some patience to read through it, but it is worth it. These are my favorite quotes from it:

4. I've done a little walking and a little running this week and it has been good. It is always so hard to get going but always so good once I'm warmed up and on my way.
5. Quite looking forward to General Conference. So grateful for so that we can watch it here at home.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Love the quotes and pictures. I hope you're all feeling better. We recovered from stomach flu all weekend. I was hoping to have the 'mother blessing' of not getting sick and being able to take care of everyone but I got it Friday and it was sure miserable - made me have more compassion for my kids and husband. Anyway, what a fun comment for you about sickness. :) On a more positive note, thanks for your motivation to exercise. I finally got back on the treadmill this morning and it felt great. I was just going to walk and then thought of you running so I had to run too. It helps to have a little friendly competition.