Monday, February 12, 2007

A Surprise Party

Hannah definitely was the shining light today as she helped me celebrate a plain ordinary day. She came up with this idea to throw a surprise party for Jimmy when he came home. With my mood today it definitely wouldn't have been my idea to plan a party. So - she decided we needed decorations. I found some balloons. Then she said we needed a blanket on the table to make it look nice. Since we don't even own a tablecloth, I found an old curtain. She said it was perfect. Then she set the table and got everyone drinks. I asked if she would like a flower for a centerpiece. She was quite excited about that idea. And she drew Jimmy a picture of 2 chocolate chip cookies and rolled it up as a present. It was just cute to see how excited she was about something so funny and simple. So when Jimmy came home we turned off all the lights and yelled 'surprise'. And she announced that it was a Happy Valentine's Day Surprise Party for Daddy. She has a way of helping everyone appreciate the simple things - even Abe was excited about the 'prise'. So - thanks Hannah for helping me see the beauty in a rather normal day.


Amy D. said...

Oh, how much fun! What a great idea. Hannah, you are sa-weet!!! What a bright spot in the day, winter, whatever... Love you all!

Jolene said...

Your kids are so cute.
What a fun idea. Thanks Hannah.

Alison said...

What a sweetheart! She is so cute. I love that she made a whole big surprise and that you were such a good mom and took the time to help her. What a fun memory that will be. Way to go! :)