Tuesday, February 13, 2007

VHS, B-Ball, Cinderelly

I never blogged about last weekend so I thought I'd record the happenings. Jimmy and I had an at-home date Friday night. Out of the three choices, Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, and I.Q., we went with You've Got Mail. Must have been a Meg Ryan sort of night. Since we only have that show on VHS, we sat down to watch our 13-inch tv (the only one with a VCR). I felt like we were having a sweet old-fashioned sort of date with a VHS tape and small tv and a Meg Ryan movie. Our young women always think we are so OLD if we declare a favorite actress to be Meg Ryan. Those funny girls!

Other happenings...Jimmy played in his last ward basketball game for the season. Even though our ward is the largest in the stake we couldn't seem to produce a team that would win even a single game. We seemed to have too many guys or not enough guys. But Jimmy sure played his heart out and hopefully next year our ward will have better luck. There were 9 teams and since there was only room for 8 in the tournament, our ward was eliminated. Bummer!

Hannah was excited on Saturday because Cinderella III came in the mail from NetFlix. What a dreamy show for a 4 year old.

Sunday...Jimmy had to attend another ward conference so I was the solo mother. Abe and Hannah did pretty well. After church I realized I probably shouldn't have taken Abe to church as he was slightly unwell. Later Jimmy had a bunch of church meetings and Abe sure missed him.

This weekend I got a huge canker on the top of my mouth. Just what y'all wanted to know huh. But it really makes for a no-fun week since I can't eat too many chocolates. So there is our ever-so-exciting weekend in a nutshell.


Amy D. said...

Yea for our favorite, most quotable movie!!! Too bad about basketball, cankers and Abe missing Jimmy. Yea, for Cinderella movies! We like what you like (count Trevor "in" for basketball!).

Alison said...

Fun to have a simple date. Those are my favorite evenings, when the kids are finally asleep and we can sit and watch something together. How nice that Jimmy will watch Meg Ryan with you!