Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Who needs snow when you've got playdough! Abe's favorite song this week is Frosty the Snowman. I tried to get him to sing it on video and he really, really didn't want to. Oh well!
Family Home Evening last night was a lesson on David & Goliath. We learned that when we show our faith and courage in making good choices, that the Lord will bless us. After FHE we play pictionary for the activity. This is what Hannah came up with for David & Goliath. I think my favorite part of FHE is when Abe leads the songs. It really is awesome!
Hannah & Jimmy went on their first daddy/daughter date on Friday. They went to Costco to pick up some groceries. They got a yogurt/milkshake to sparkle up the evening. Hannah really thought it was special and got all ready. When she saw Jimmy brushing his teeth, she went and brushed her teeth. She wore her warm snuggly winter outfit and a darling smile!


Jolene said...

Too cute.
I got the Hershey Kisses dark chocolate truffles and I can't stop eating them. They are so good. Thanks for the recommendation. I should probably thank Mary too, she is the one who recommended them to you. So, if you see this, Mary, Thanks.

Amy D. said...

Oh,Heather, your kids look more and more grown up every time I see new pics! Cute and cool. And very artistic!

Alison said...

Hey we did David and Goliath last week for FHE too. What fun to play pictionary. I love Hannah's picture, and I love that she is all clean in her pajamas. I love when kids are fresh from the tub and ready for bed. And I love that she and Jimmy went on a daddy-daughter date and that Hannah was so excited and took care getting all ready. That was so sweet. I loved it. I told Dave he should Lexi on a daddy-daughter date, if there was anywhere to get a milk-shake in Victor!!