Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Love this talk!

The other night I was perusing the Conference Ensign again and came across this fabulous talk by Elder Baxter. I just kept thinking 'wow...this is so good.' So, I thought I'd share it here on the blog. Here are my favorite quotes and I put the mp3 as #1 on my Ipod, first of all because Elder Baxter has a great Scottish accent, and also because I just think this is a great talk. If I could become stronger in these 3 areas: faith, service, and discipleship, that would be quite swell.

"[the] First [lesson] is the motivating, transforming power of faith in Jesus Christ. Such faith is like spiritual oxygen. As we allow faith to freely flow within us, it awakens and enlivens our spiritual senses. It breathes life into our very souls. As faith flows, we become sensitively attuned to the whisperings of the Spirit. Our minds are enlightened, our spiritual pulse quickens, our hearts are touched. Faith fuels hope. Our perspective changes; our vision becomes clearer. We begin to look for the best, not the worst, in life and in others. We gain a deeper sense of life's purpose and meaning. Despair gives way to joy.

"...Discipleship does not guarantee freedom from the storms of life. Even as we are wending our way carefully and faithfully along the strait and narrow path, we encounter obstacle and challenge. There are days, perhaps even months and years, when life is just hard. We experience our fair share of adversity, heartache, loneliness, pain, grief—sometimes, it seems, more than our fair share. What to do when adversity strikes? There is only one thing to do. Stand steady and see it through. Stay steadfast, constant, and true."
Elder Baxter - General Conference - October 2006

In other News...if you've happened to get this far. Hmmm...I can't think of any other news. Well..here's the ordinary stuff. Sunday Abe and I made chocolate chip cookies. When you make cookies with Abe it is definitely a good idea NOT to give them away to anyone outside the fam. Abe's still in the training process of cooking cleanliness. Hannah is still in Valentine's mode and made me a cute little drawing today. She put the flower drawing in a cup with a juicebox and some carebear fruit snacks. I could tell she had put a lot of thought and effort into it. She is a sweetie. Today was an exciting mail day. Thanks Grandma and Grandpa Price for the fun ToyStory notes and thanks Auntie Christine for the Valentine. And to end this post...my daffodils look like they are about to bloom. This is exciting because it means spring is on its way. I'm so excited for green, green, green and slightly warmer temperatures.


Jolene said...

What a great talk. I need to go back and read that one. Thanks for sharing it, I need it.

Alison said...

What a great talk. And I'm so excited for your daffodils! Wish I had some my way! We're still under a foot or two of snow. I'll be thinking of you seeing them out in your yard. How wonderful!! What a bit of sunshine!