Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The love of my life

Since Jimmy passed on the '5 things about me' challenge, I thought for Valentine's Day I'd tell you 5 things about the love of my life.

1. Jimmy loves basketball. He hates running on the treadmill but will do it to get in shape for basketball. With 9 boys in his family, they have 2 teams (including dad) to play b-ball with.

2. Unlike me, Jimmy can do things efficiently and quickly. He is a hard worker and does a lot around the house like cooking and tidying and folding laundry. Thanks my love! He likes to build things (like our swing set, our new shelf, and hopes to someday finish our attic.)

3. Jimmy served his mission in Rosario, Argentina and still speaks Spanish pretty well. He helps us all learn songs in Spanish and to say prayers in Spanish. Especially in Florida his Spanish came in handy.

4. Jimmy is an optimistic guy and helps us perk up on drab sort-of days.

5. I've never seen Jimmy cry, but I love to see him bear his testimony because he gets the biggest grin on his face. The gospel makes him so happy!

We love you Jimmy!


Amy D. said...

Great love of your life idea, Heath! And a few things I didn't know about my distinguished brother-in-law!

Andrea said...

It was fun to learn some new things about your hubby. Sounds like a great guy! (AND yes, you have to love people who get things done fast. . . I always admire that since I am the slow type as well.) :)

Alison said...

Oh, I loved this blog. What a nice thing to do. Jimmy is such a great guy. I love you guys.