Wednesday, February 07, 2007

5 things...

In response to Amy's & Andrea's 5 things about me challenge. I've been trying to think of 5 things that my sisters, mom, husband, friends wouldn't know about me... but here's a try.

1. When I was little, I used to record myself on my Carebear tape recorder when I was going to sleep because I wanted to know if I snored. Inevitably, I kept myself awake trying not to snore that it stopped recording by the time I finally fell asleep.

2. I've hiked Mt. Timpanogos 2 times. LOVE IT!

3. Pretty much there are only three things I can do quickly: Play the Piano, Type, and Read. I can certainly do a thorough job at other things like chopping vegetables, making food, scrapbooking, organizing, but I'm not super quick at them. I've never been high energy or extremely competitive, and that's okay with me...It will help me live a simple life.

4. When I was at BYU, my friend and I loved to go up to the mountains. One Sunday morning we went to a park up the canyon to prepare our lessons for church. She took me into this wide open field and told me to shout as loud as I could. It was very weird for me because I was so quiet and mild.

5. When I was little I was practically obsessive about washing my hands. I really needed them to feel clean...but then they started getting so chappy. Which is why I'm not extremely surprised that Hannah is slightly compulsive about making sure her hands are really dry after washing them. She loves to use at least 3 towels to do the job.

Mary, Jane, Alison, and Jimmy - Tag - You're it!


Amy D. said...

the do quickly one is my favorite! Way to get things done anyway, anyhow!

Andrea said...

I had to laugh at your post. I am very slow at doing things. In fact, Tyler's dad has commented on it. . . "it doesn't matter how long it takes her does it? She just has to do it right." Ha. Ha. I am working on being fast. . .it's not in my nature. So, I understand!

Alison said...

I love that you used to record yourself sleeping so you could see if you snored! That made me laugh my head off. Kids are so funny. And it helps to remember things I used to think when I'm wondering how my kids think of the things they do. It's good when you're a mom to remember being a kid. :) And I love that you shouted in the wide open field. I'll attempt to think of 5 things too! Thanks for the tag.