Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Chalk Drawings, Frozen Hot Chocolate, Hopscotching

In an attempt to do a few more fun summer activities before school starts tomorrow (and because Jimmy was gone all evening and I needed to do something entertaining with 3 kids so I didn't go bonkers!!), the kids and I accomplished #19. Make a life-size Drawing of you and #24. Make Frozen Hot chocolate.

First up - chalk drawings. I traced the shadows of the kids and had them fill in and decorate. I think Hannah was a super girl. Abe did really well filling in the details on himself. His pokey hair was my favorite. We actually all ended up being much taller and skinnier than in real-life. "That's okay with me!" said this ultra prego lady.It was way too sunny to take photos - hence the squinting or eyes closed. Hannah's words about dreaming about being a butterfly were so funny to me. She is sooo like that - to say girly things and then flutter around like a butterfly.

As for the frozen hot chocolate. I quite liked it. We made hot chocolate and then chilled it in the fridge for a while. Then we put it in our icecream maker (which also makes slushy type drinks) for 25 minutes. And then we had a slushie chocolately drink. Abe was the funniest and kept saying, "Mom, this is way too cold to eat. Will you please warm it up for me?"

Funny times with the tots!! We have 28 more things to do on our list of summer activities. Some may not be done until next year. But this fall and winter I'm sure we'll be needing some fun ideas for activities.

This video is of Max attempting the hopscotch Hannah drew. I don't know if you can see the chalk outlines for hopscotch but it is there.


Janey said...

oh that's so cute!!! I love max's hopscotch!!!

luvmy5boyscora said...

You are such a good mom Heather! And thanks for a couple of cute ideas to do on Monday before my kiddos head back on Tuesday.