Monday, August 03, 2009

46 more to go

Today we went through our 115 things to do this summer list. We crossed off a bunch from the past week.

We still have 46 more to go. I can hardly believe it! It seems like we've been doing so many.... and yes, we have!!!

We've also done lots of things not on the list. We went to the mall the other day and Abe said, "Wow, this is soooo cool. Is this on our list of things to do? We should put this on our list!". We obviously don't get out much!

Next summer I think we'll have to make it the "50 fun things to do" list.

I told the kids that even if we don't finish all the things on our list in the next 17 days (before school starts), we'll keep going this fall.

Can I just say that I'm NOT ready for school to start. Summer seemed so short.

No matter how many we end up doing though, it's been a fun thing to keep me active as a mom. And the kids have experienced a few new things.


Amanda said...

That was a great idea Heather! I feel like the summer is pretty short too. We start school on Wednesday of this week!

Jolene said...

You have been keeping busy this summer. I think it sound like a fun list of ideas to do.

Cheri said...

I definitely need to make a list next year for our kids!
(Yes, Alana is still planning on marrying Abe and thinks he looks sooo cool with glasses -- just like Bryce!)