Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Rock Canyon

#108 - Walk in Rock Canyon

This activity I wanted to do since I haven't been to Rock Canyon for 9 years. After checking the weather and seeing that the high was in the low 80s in Provo, I decided we could head there for a short walk and adventure.

Well - turns out it felt hotter than it was. It was also steeper than I liked (having to push the stroller). And there was little shade. Hannah read one of the info boards that told her there were rattle snakes so she wasn't thrilled about that. We ended up walking on the paved trail for about 5 minutes, glanced at the lovely rock mountain and then headed back to the car. Short - sweet - and to the point, I suppose.
Then we drove to Rock Canyon park with all it's glorious grass. It has the perfect hills to roll down. At first the kids thought it too steep but then they braved rolling down with hands over eyes. I loved watching them roll, roll, roll with huge smiles and squeals.

Max doesn't dare walk down a hill, so he crawls like he's going down stairs. He stayed pretty close to me at the top.

You can see the tippy top of Angel Moroni on the Provo Temple in the top right photo right in between Hannah and Abe. That park has a great view.

The kids had a grand time running and rolling on the grass until the very end when Hannah tripped on that little trail and scuffed her elbow.On the drive home we stopped at Macey's to get an icecream cone and a few food storage items like cake mixes, frosting, and hot chocolate (on sale!).

And now, we are all enjoying a very long quiet time to recover and rest up. sigh...


Amy D. said...

That looks like so much fun, Heath. You kids have a fun mom to take them to the hills!

Reeses Pieces said...

Okay so where did I miss the post that announced you were pregnant. I'm so embaressed. How did I not know this whole time. DUH! Well congrats...months later!

Steph and Eric said...

wahoo for Rock Canyon. Sounds like a fun family adventure. i am so lazy these days. . . a fun adventure is a popcicle and some pbs kids. :)

love you lots friend.