Friday, July 31, 2009

Quiet Time

When I was a kiddo, I remember we had quiet time. Mostly I remember spending hours and hours and hours reading all the glorious books I loved. I used to sit in the thick window wells (back in the days when my hiney would fit!!) and enjoy all the sunshine. Well, even now - I still love quiet time!

A few hours of quiet time in the afternoon is something I really stick to around here. It's partly for my sanity so I can have some recup time from mothering all morning. I also think it's really good for the kids to have some quiet alone down-time.

I don't expect Hannah and Abe to lay down or sleep at this stage of their lives, but I do expect them to stay in their rooms and be semi-quiet. Right now it works out great because each child has his/her own room. Once Abe and Max share a room, we'll have to work something else out.

Abe really needs alone play time when nobody (Max!) will bug him or his toys. He can just be himself. Almost every day he requests fruit snacks and a granola bar for an afternoon snack during his quiet time.

Hannah is usually playing, reading, or drawing. She has done a ton of reading and has really enjoyed that. This summer she's also written in her summer journal during her quiet time.

Max - well, he usually takes his afternoon nap. It's taking him longer and longer to fall asleep and I dread the day he decides he is done with naps. Quiet time with a 2-year-old doesn't work very well - at all!

Today I peeked into the kid's quiet time to see what they were doing. (yah - didn't peek in on Max as I heard him banging in his crib)I think they were excited to do some reading since we finally went to the library today (probably the first and last time this summer - have you ever taken a Maxwell to the library? Ummmm yeah!!).

Anyhoo... just documenting our normal every-day life. Quiet time is definitely something I appreciate having in our schedule!


Angela said...

Hi Heather!
Great idea! When I worked at Girl Scout camp, for 1 our after lunch the ENTIRE camp of 350 had what we called F.O.B.
Everyone like to make up names for the acronym -- Flat on your bed ( I think this was the original name) Flat on your back, Flat on your I type this I can't think of any other names, but I know the girls had a few.
You could nap, read, talk quietly to your tent-mates, but you HAD to be IN YOUR BED.

I am curious at what age you start your kids doing this and hoe you get them to do it when they are young.

I will be praying that Max is going through a phase and will resume regular napping SOON!

Anonymous said...

that age at the Library is a DISASTER waiting to happen. We went a few months ago, and I won't go again for many more months! (I think the Librarian was just about to ask us to leave...)

angela said...

we LOVE our quiet time (at least i do and they do even if they don't know it). and they really do enjoy it after a good library trip. Noah is good enough about it that i can have him read books on the couch now, while ammon and kaden are each in their own rooms and micah is napping. and normally rest time was during noah's school anyways...but i will not give it up as for as long as i possibly can!