Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Popcorn for breakfast?

The other morning Max tried to convince me to make popcorn for breakfast. I'm thinking NOT!

He brought me microwave popcorn, then the air popper, then the big bowl. He really loves popcorn (which he calls ba-ba).

We usually do have popcorn once a day for a snack in the afternoon or evening... but before 8 a.m.... I'm not going for that little Max!


Lexie said...

I had to chuckle at this Heather.......now that I am on #5 (Clint) I probably would just give in and make the popcorn for breakfast. Shame on me! :) I love the dress up pics and the pregnancy update. GOOD LUCK! I remember "trying" to exercise with little ones crawling all over me. Unfortunately I gave that up which isn't good in the winter and I can't get out for a walk or bike ride! I hope you are having a good summer minus the pregnancy discomforts and the business of little ones that can sometimes be a bit tiring (although usually adorable). :)

Janey said...

that is too funny! I love that little max!

Amy D. said...

Oh, come on, Mom! It has fiber, no sugar and it comes from a vegetable! He is funny that he gets out everything for you!