Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Memorize this Happy Moment

I saw recently on Lisa Bearnson's blog (the scrapbook lady), this song about 'No Empty Chairs'. She pointed out the phrase
'Memorize this Happy Moment.'

I like that idea - to really embrace the good moments in your life. There are too many hard things in life and if we memorize/remember/focus on the happy moments from the past and present, it seems to help us make it through harder days.

One thing that has brightened my week is having this note from Abe (with a Werther's Original taped to it) on the fridge.Hannah and Abe decided one day to make notes for Jimmy to surprise him when he got home. I love how much it means to the kids to show dad they love him this way. Abe doesn't enjoy drawing much and he still has such simple drawings, but I really believe they are so heartfelt.

After a long grueling day of mothering tots, I tucked Abe in for bed and he started telling me about how during quiet time he said a prayer to Heavenly Father about his Lincoln Logs. He prayed that they wouldn't fall down. I guess he was having a hard time building them how he wanted. I could tell he was so sincere in his prayer. I was glad he thought to pray (because we all certainly wonder if anything ever gets through to wiggly boys during Primary or FHE lessons).

Just 2 happy moments I wanted to memorize to remind me how tender Abe's heart is and that he tries so hard in so many ways to do good things.


Steph and Eric said...

cute saying Heath. You post great cheer on your blog.

Amy D. said...

sniff, sniff...I love Abe! I'm going to memorize some of my happy moments. Fill my mother's bucket with them!

Paul and Becky said...

Isn't life just wonderful?