Saturday, June 13, 2009

wise counsel from a 6-year-old

Tonight Hannah came up to me and said she had something good to tell me. This was her wisdom to share:

I asked her where she heard that. She said something about Horton Hears a Who. I actually think it comes from the book Pinkalicious though.

It's a great idea for kids to learn while they're young.

It's a great quote for me to remember and apply in my life about oodles of things.

Life doesn't always seem fair (or what we think is fair) or isn't just how we'd like, but somehow I think Heavenly Father gives us exactly what we need. Definitely something I need to remember!


angela said...

That is a great saying for sure. We learned it from one of our friend in Mt Home, only they always said "You get what you get and you don't throw a fit"--I think I like upset even better. I always thought it applied so well to when they get a certain popsicle and wanted a different color, because that always makes me so mad--but I never thought to apply it to myself personally. I need to remember that to!

Amy D. said...

Yeah, some friend of ours used to say the don't throw a fit part. I like it!

Marne said...

Yep, us too! Our is also "You get what you get and don't throw a fit." We say it all the time!

Jeanna said...

I could have used this quote yesterday. Isn't it just so hard not to get upset? Good thing we can repent and try again!