Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weekend Fun

My sister Janey and her husband Seth came into town this past weekend. On Friday we met up with my parents and Jane & Seth to ride the FrontRunner Train into SLC with the tots. And boy did the tots love it.
On the drive home from the outing, Abe said, "I am so tired from having so much fun. The train is the best ever."

It really was a cool adventure for them. Even Max showed us one of his biggest smiles while sitting in his own seat (so proud of himself).

We also had a nice baby shower for Janey on Saturday. It was fun to have so many aunts and cousins come to support and chat. There were 3 babies who also came to celebrate. I'm always so amazed to see new little ones and how tinsy they are. Babies sure grow quickly don't they!

Sunday, a few of us visited with my Dad for Father's Day. Here are most of the grandkids who were in attendance. Max was busy running about, of course. Baby Smith and Baby Johnson were busy growing strong enough to enter the same world as these energetic tots. I have a lot of fun memories with my cousins and I like seeing my kids making memories with their cousins.


Angie said...

What a cute picture of the cousins.I LOVE that picture of Abe and Jerry. I also loved seeing everyone at the shower on Sat. You guys throw a mean party. Sorry my kid was so out of sorts, I hope it didn't spoil the fun.

Amy D. said...

I love the family photos!!! I love you all!

Jenn said...

That is a darling picture. I also had a great time at the shower. Angie - I think William squawked much more than Bryce. It was fun to see him in person. He is such a cutie.