Friday, June 05, 2009

Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open House

Yesterday we headed up to South Jordan for the Open House for the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. We missed the Draper Temple Open House this winter because we were so sick with colds that week. Spring is a much better time for going to such an event, I'd say!

The temple was lovely. There was a lot of stone tile on the floor that was the color of wheat.  The temple was cheerful and full-of-light.

I always get so emotional teaching my kids about the temple and going inside with them because it is such a neat place to me. I want them to love and appreciate it. And it reminds me to show my appreciation by attending more often.

Afterwards we went into the reception which was decorated most fancy and lovely. Some kind folks took our picture but didn't exactly get the painting of Christ like we were hoping for. Bless their hearts though!

Hannah said she had to tip her head to see the leaning temple too. Oops! I was trying to be artsy.
Abe's favorites were "seeing the room that was all white (the celestial room). And I liked getting the chocolate chip cookie. I liked seeing the temple."

Hannah's favorites were "seeing that mirror where you see a whole bunch of you (sealing room), the chandelier, and the baptism place. And I liked the fancy part at the end where we saw the cookies."

Max's favorites were walking up the hundreds of stairs, running around outside the temple, and wriggling away during the family photo.  He actually did really well during the temple tour though, so that was a miracle.

and because FAMILIES ARE FOREVER... and we LOVE ONE ANOTHER, here's the close up of our glorious family photo for the record evermore.

Overall, we had a great morning at the open house. Through experiences like these, I hope the kids begin to realize what a blessing it is to have The House of the Lord on earth today.

(top temple photo by Michael Provard)


Janey said...

best family. picture. ever!!!!!!

Amy D. said...

The candid photos of your kids are darling. And the family photo is a classic! Beautiful, beautiful temple and setting--look at those mountains--wow.

Amy D. said...

The candid photos of your kids are darling. And the family photo is a classic! Beautiful, beautiful temple and setting--look at those mountains--wow.

Lexie said...

What a blessing to take your family to the temple open house. Taking our family to the Rexburg open house and temple celebration was one of the highlights of my life. Being all together in the Celestial room.....does it get any better??? :) Love the cute pics of your cute family!

Anonymous said...

heather, i love to read your blog. You are such a real person. I love your "moments"--even if you don't, because it makes me know someone else is going through all this, too. I love that you are an awesome mom and such a positive happy person. I want to be like you!
We need to get together--we've got a splash pad nearby that the kids would love. Call me!

Anonymous said...

Wow - has the open house already started? I have tickets for the end of next month. I love the pictures from your trip! Way cute family!