Thursday, June 25, 2009

and then ... we found a good deal

It seems like whenever I shop on Craig's List I'm always a day late and miss out on the bargain. But on Monday I decided to shop around for a dresser which we badly need.... badly!

I found this 8-drawer Ikea Hemnes Dresser which sells for $299 at IKEA, but it was only lightly used for a few months (gotta love people who redecorate frequently) listed on Craig's List. We ended up paying $125 for a basically new dresser.
Now when Max moves into Abe's room, they can share this dresser and have plenty of space to keep all their clothes organized. The real question - will they keep it organized?

Now I'm on the hunt for a great deal on a dresser for Miss Hannah. I'd take a white one in that same style if I could get a good deal on it!


Anonymous said...

we love our IKEA dresser like that (but the tall version) in WHITE--and we did something fun--we bought wooden drawer handles for 99 cents at Home Depot, and painted them red and blue (the colors of the boys' room) and took the IKEA handles off. It really makes it look neat!

Amy D. said...

That is very nice looking!