Friday, June 12, 2009

all i have to say is...

i need this today.

i finally posted a bunch of favorite quotes and positive images on my OrdinaRy JoyS page.

i was gearing up for a positive and productive day with the tots...

then a gynormous mess was created by my monkey max ... broken glass, spilled liquid seeping through the table onto the floor ...

and i had a hard time being nice or positive with anyone.

sometimes it just seems that every mishap is mother's fault because she is in charge of everyone and everything.

but i shall keep on trying.

('Beautiful Positive' Image by definatalie)


Callie said...

I feel like 90% of my day, every day, is spent cleaning up after Ava. I just follow along and clean up one mess while she makes another. Oh- the joys of the 20 month old... And, then she screams a high pierced scream in my face to top it all off. I love it.

Diana said...

We can either laugh or cry on days like that & it seems like everything is compounded when we are pregnant. But, I want to tell you that I think that you are an amazing person & I am glad to be back to the blogging world after my hiatus. I am always inspired when I take a peek into your life! So, thanks for sharing & don't forget that you are a woman of noble birth and you can do hard things!

Lexie said...

I do not understand why on the days I am determined to do better it is so much harder!