Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nourish and Protect the F-A-M-I-L-Y

I've had oodles of thoughts lately on my children - spending quality time with them - teaching them - protecting them physically and spiritually - being an advocate for them - loving them - etc...

I feel like I'm still learning and realizing my role and mission as mother/nurturer and how to really be as strong as my family needs me to be. Strong spiritually - strong mentally - strong physically and energetically - and all in balance.  Sigh...

Growing up I was a bit placid (a word a friend used to describe me once). I'm pretty mellow, I don't like confrontation or conflict, I'm not a debater, I like to stay in the background and blend in (lest I turn bright red and cry my eyes out in public or something).

In college I found a bit more of "ME" and opened my heart up a bit to greater adventures and a slightly more bold personality. (key word: slightly)

But as a mother, there is a greater fire burning inside that makes me realize I need to step up ... not that I need to be fierce ... but to be really STRONG.  To stand up and lead out for good in my family and community.

The Lord needs our children to Stand Up and Lead Out in Righteousness.  More than ever before I'm realizing they look to and follow us, their parents and leaders - so I ought to be a more bold and visible example of doing all the simple things that matter most.

Anyhoo... today I watched a talk by {Julie Beck from 2009 Women's Conference} (You can download video or mp3 from that link).

I loved the pure doctrine she taught.
I loved her zeal in expressing to women everywhere our mission to help defend family, Christ, and righteousness.
I love that she reminded us that we need to 'Fight' for all that is good.

One of the great quotes from Sister Beck's message:
"We are involved in God's work every day. It changes everything. It changes the way we think. It changes our decisions. It changes the way we dress. It changes the way we talk. It changes the way we LIVE... because we know certain things. We have the responsibility and challenge from the prophet to believe deeply and actively in the family and we will need that in order to preserve our families. ... We have to take the responsibility for defending our homes."
Another she quoted:
"The time will come when only those who believe deeply and actively in the family will be able to preserve their families in the midst of the gathering evil around us." Spencer W. Kimball - Ensign 1980 (Families Can Be Eternal)

So anyhoo... all this boils down to a few new goals for me:
- Play an active role in "creating a climate of faith, hope, and charity" in my home.
- "Seeking every day to qualify for the Spirit, To recognize the voice of the Spirit and follow the voice of the Spirit."
- Be where I need to be, and do what I need to do to keep myself and my family as strong as we can be spiritually.

(Unmarked quotes by Julie Beck.
Painting by Pino - "Heavenly Breeze")


Amy D. said...

Awesome message for all of us! And, Heather, you do defend, protect, serve and teach your family so well-by example and as a mother.

Jenni Taysom said...

I love Sister Beck. I just rewatched her "Mothers Who Know" talk. It is inspirational and empowering. I love things that help me refocus and set worthy goals that help keep life simple and focused on the most important things.

katie and co. said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...that's just what I needed. Thank you for streamlining this message in a perfect little spot on your blog for me to gain insight from. You are SO wise and I just SO love that you post things like this on your blog to brighten my days and help me keep focus and perspective.