Thursday, May 21, 2009

Farewell Preschool

Today was Abe's last day of Preschool with Mrs. Wright. He has definitely progressed this year and he has really enjoyed his preschool.

I thought it would be fun to compare
his first-day-of-preschool photo in September '08:

with today,
his last-day-of-preschool photo in May '09:

Abe's comments about preschool:
"I learned about all the letters that I did. I been learning how to write. I worked during preschool. And I been doing free time and it's really fun and I get to play. I love to play with the cubes. And I been doing stations. And I been singing songs during preschool. My teacher reads me books. My favorite thing about preschool is having a snack. I'm going to have a program today. We are going to have letters and I am the Letter E."

We attended his 'graduation' program tonight. Abe received the "Wonderful Worker" award. His teacher said he does a great job at working hard. The favorite song from the program was 'Peanut Butter and Jelly'.

The saddest part was when we were leaving and Abe started crying because he was so sad that there was "no more preschool." He hugged his teacher and cried and cried. He does have a tender heart.

Hannah tried to convince Abe that Kindergarten and summer-home-school (with her as teacher) would be just as fun as preschool. He made a list of the fun things he wants to do:
"This summer I am going to
play outside,
and do preschool inside the house,
and play with my toys,
and write in my journal."
We sure love Abe and are glad he has enjoyed learning letters, numbers, writing, reading, and songs this past year. Good work buddy on earning your first diploma!


Amy D. said...

Abe is such a sweet little student! He probably learned a lot of great things being at preschool. I love Max in the photo with Abe. They are both great.

Julie said...

Sweet little boy. It is fun to see how much he has changed over the school year.

Mary said...

I hadn't noticed the picture of Max until I read Amy's comment. I giggled. Too cute! Way to go Abe! I'm glad he had a good preschool that taught him stuff. My kids just learned that it's best to play with each other rather than try and interact with mean kids. Yeah, I think that was it for $90 a month. Doh!