Friday, May 22, 2009

Flying Mattress and Flat Tire

Alrighty then... perhaps some parts of life are only worth noting because as Jimmy said, "someday we'll laugh about it". Uhhhh, maybe? Let's just say this wasn't our most successful week with automobiles. We are starting afresh though ... right now!

#1: Flying Mattress / Mashed Boxspring

We were in great need of a new mattress. We handed ours down to Hannah and hers is going to Max so the new wee babe can have the crib in a few months.

After several trips and several hours of grueling shopping with 3 tots, we felt like we found an awesome deal on a great Clearance Tempurpedic mattress
(like 1/3 the regular price which made it normal priced for us).

On Tuesday night Jimmy was hauling the mattress and boxspring home in his uncle's truck when whoosh - mattress and boxspring fly away on I-15. He is always very thorough with tying stuff down so I was surprised that they blew (that Utah wind!!). He quickly saved the mattress from getting run over and it just got dirty on part of the top where the plastic slipped. :(  The boxspring was on the other side of the freeway mashed to bits but he safely recovered it to bring home to the dumpster.

Luckily - nobody was hurt... what a
miracle that there were no accidents. So, after a ticket for littering the freeway, he went on his way. RCWilley had compassion on us and gave us 20% off a new boxspring the next day. It definitely got strapped down very thoroughly so we wouldn't have a repeat situation.

#2: Flat Tire

Last Saturday Jimmy had a dream that our van had a flat tire so we had tried to be watchful with the tires.

On Thursday when we were driving to Abe's preschool program, we felt the ka-bump, bump, bump. We pulled over right by the elementary school and parked along the curb. Luckily Lehi is a small town so we decided to walk the rest of the way.

With Max in the stroller, Hannah carrying the cookies, and Abe holding onto his graduation hat, we scurried as a family to the program. What an adventure!
(It is interesting to note that as a parent  I communicate to the tots that it's an "adventure" and not a "disaster" so there aren't too many tears and gripes. Even having to run through sprinklers, walking through sludgy mud on the sidewalk, and getting hit with bird poop doesn't make it a disaster.)

Jimmy saved the day by putting on the full-size spare after the program and we came home thinking it has been a pretty crazy week with random happenings.  Hurray for Jimmy and strong arms!

I was soooo glad that I wasn't alone with the kids on the freeway with a flat tire. So grateful!!! And soooo glad that this flat happened
before our weekend drive to Green River and not when we're in the middle of nowhere. So grateful!

Edited to add: $500 later today our van is revived ... 2 new tires, alignment, brake cylinder replacement, oil change, air filter swap. Man - cars are expensive to keep up.


Cheri said...

Ugg... We can relate to freeway littering -- Our creamy off-white sofa jumped off Craigs truck to take a trip down I-85 in Charlotte!

Amy D. said...

Wow, what a week! Interesting that Jimmy dreamed about a flat tire before it happened. I love how Abe's hat needed holding on to--it makes him look like "oh, no, not this!"

Julie said...

Oh my! What a week. I need to remember to call each event an "adventure". Glad you survived and no one was hurt!

angela said...

That's so good, and these are the fun things your kids will remember. There are so many things that happened on our family vacations and with all our horrible cars breaking down that we love to remember and felt like great adventures. Looking from the Mom perpective, it had to have been SO stressful for her! But she was a great mom like you, and never let that show I guess...

Jan said...

OH man, too bad about your tire and mattress. I like that you always look on the bright side.