Sunday, May 17, 2009

Beauty . Shadows . Rocks . Running . Tricycles

Though nobody else in the world needs to see all the photos I talk on walks with the kids, I NEED to see them ... so I'll remember to keep perspective in my life.

If I don't remember the silly fun moments, I may only see the impatient, everyone-in-tears, cluttery-house, and nobody-minding-mom moments.

So this is what happens when this mama takes the kiddies on a walk to get wiggles out.

We see this from the trail. I love that we live 1 minute from this sight. We didn't even know it until after we moved into our house. What beauty!

And even though the sun was a bit blinding, it made for some awesome shadows. Abe on tricycle taking a drink, Max in stroller wanting out, Mama with the tallest legs ever taking photo, and Hannah on scooter posing nicely.

Oh, but look - rocks! and the Jordan River! ...heaven for kids. I love the plop! sound the rocks make in the water. I could sit and throw rocks for an hour.

Running Max - always trying to keep up with siblings with longer legs. Max wouldn't exactly stay on the trail for more than 5 seconds and had to go back in stroller after this. He sure loves to run - but only in his desired direction.

Overall, a cool lovely evening walk with relatively few disasters.

This is a video for posterity's sake. Abe thinks he still fits on this bike... which actually almost fits Max. But I'm super amazed how fast he can pedal that little thing.


Shauna said...

Love that bike video! He is super fast! You have a gorgeous trail and views, thanks for sharing. Fun pix!

Amy D. said...

Abe is a fast peddler! Way fun. All the photos are awesome. Shadows, running, water, and scenery--all awesome.

Julie said...

Great pictures. Love the precious moments you capture.