Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Story - by Abe

Yesterday for our drive to Salt Lake, Abe ran upstairs to get something to do. He came down with his new Lightning McQueen notebook and pencil.

On our drive, he wrote a story... his very first story. Hannah and I helped with spelling but he wrote all the letters. This is how it goes:
"McQueen found Doc and Mater."

"Sally invited McQueen to Bessy."

"And then McQueen got in a race and Chick pushed the King and McQueen helped the King."


Anonymous said...

I love first stories! So cute--Aidan will love to "read" this!
Also--I just noticed that BYU is puttng on The Giver as a play at the Pardoe theatre starting the end of May. Might be fun to see!

Ann Marie said...

Tht is so cute! I had Brendan look at it and he said, "That's pretty cool!" He loved it! How old is Abe? That's pretty good! I think Brendan got the same notebook in his Easter basket, the $1 section at Target? Very cute! Love it!

Amy D. said...

Abe is wonderful! This is awesome, Buddy. Keep it up.

Jenni Taysom said...

Don't things like this just melt your heart. Charlie is learning to write and is always asking me how to spell things.
I'm glad your french bread turned out - I think home made is way yummier than store bought, especially because I don't like if very crusty, so mine was nice and soft. I don't know why french bread is so much easier and turns out better - but because it is so quick and easy I think I will be making it more often.