Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A boy - a Slide - a Smile

We spent today, a rainy/snowy chilly day, resting and enjoying with no place to go. The kids enjoyed playing and I enjoyed resting for a few minutes during quiet time. It's nice not to have to get Hannah off to school or zip to the bus-stop or deal with homework.

Hannah and Abe were playing in a bedroom and I was downstairs. I could hear Max playing in the playroom with an occasional 'wuh-oh'. I figured he was trying to go down the slide by himself. It's been a tricky transition to go from climbing to sitting without getting legs and sticky toes stuck.

Ta-da! Today he conquered the slide (with only a few minor falls with tears). Here is his delight on video:

1 comment:

angela said...

I need a little slide like that. Those are always the best entertainment! Very cute video.