Thursday, March 19, 2009


Today our nice knowledgeable gardening neighbor asked if we would like his left over gardening soil. Sure thing man!

So he backed his trailer up to our gardening spot and Jimmy unloaded it in our cute little box. The kids were all about shoveling and got to work trying to get those weeds - or treasure - or something of the sort. Unfortunately I have no photos of my man Jim who did all the hard labor, but we still appreciate him!

Abe preferred the mini shovel to dig for treasure.

Hannah couldn't believe how hard it was to get those weeds with the enormous shovel. I love the expression on her face.

Max, I just don't think a badminton racket will dig to China.

I love seeing Max's firsts... this one was first time grabbing a handful of dirt and wondering what to do with it. Luckily he didn't eat it; he just tossed it all over his shirt. What fun for a babe though! DISCOVERY!

This photo I love because it was just each kid doing his/her own thing. Max trying to conquer the giant step going over the rocks, Hannah mastering the large shovel, and Abe in his own world - pleased that there is no snow.

I foresee spending most of my spring and summer outside supervising tots. Max gets so mad if we take him inside and Hannah and Abe are still out playing.

We may have to eat Popsicles for supper every night because how is mama supposed to make dinner when she's outside supervising. Maybe our garden will actually produce food and we can just eat carrots and peas for supper. I guess we'll see.

It's the last day of winter. And yes, we already have mosquitoes! What's up with that?

But when I asked Abe how his day was, he said, "I just loved everything." And that is childhood.


Anonymous said...

when I saw the title of this post I thought it would be about Sugar Salem Diggers!
Isn't it fun working in the yard with the kids?

Amy D. said...

Abe says it best! So you have some super duper clay soil there, Heath! That cracking is a giveaway. Yikes, you needed garden soil! Your kids are good little diggers (Yea, SSHS!).

Heather H said...

I so understand the being "stuck" outside supervising, I have told Rob that we must have gates by the time this baby comes, so maybe you guys will just have to come over here!