Sunday, March 01, 2009

Stickin' to the Basics

This month my Priorities focus is just working on the Basics of LIFE.

I realize we HAVE to do these things every day, but I want to realistically improve even in small ways to do the basics. Things like meals, cleaning, organizing, scripture reading, etc.

I'm not talkin' a complete overhaul here as that wouldn't be possible in one month... just realistic daily improvements that are possible with 3 tots.

I'm feeling the hint of spring. I keep hearing birds, and it gives me hope that warmth is coming soon. And it makes me want to clean out the corners and make my LIFE and home fresh and tidy.

This week I'm working on a 6-week meal plan. I'm horrible at planning meals ahead of time. I love when I do plan it all and shop for everything, but that's rare - very rare indeed!

But I see how my life would be more organized and less hectic come 4 o'clock, if I did this better.  I had a friend in Florida who made dinner in the morning while her kids were at school and before she got too tired and busy with family stuff. Great idea! ... only my kids aren't in school in the morn. Plan B.

A few weeks ago I was talking to my friend Kristin who showed me her system for meal planning and it got me all excited. Then I got sickie and forgot about it. Oops! But then I remembered. Oh joy!

So I made my own template for this one she found on BetterBudgeting. My version is super simple but I think I like the landscape layout and the grocery list.

Here is the link to the pdf of my 6-week version if anyone is interested in taking this new journey with me.

Today I interviewed everyone in the fam over the age of 2. I asked Abe and Hannah their top 5 favorite meals.

Abe's were the funniest with Quesadillas, Peanut Butter Sandwich, Chicken Nuggets, Noodles, and Fajitas.

Hannah's were Tacos, Chicken Fajitas, Homemade Macaroni and Cheese, Chicken Noodle Soup, and Pizza.

I tried to plan some favorites of everyone's in each week. And all the other basic meals (like SPAGHETTI) we'll substitute if the day isn't going as planned and we need a super quickie meal. It was easier to come up with all the meals than I thought. We didn't even have much repeating.

So, I'm curious to see how this goes. I need to do some tweeking on my grocery lists, but it's mostly done.

And I'll tell ya - it was grueling for me. I'm not a huge fan of food or deciding on meals so it took me a while to put it all together. But now it's done and I don't have to figure it out every week. Yay!

So here's to Stickin' to the Basics and Refreshening my LIFE and home.

President Monson's quote up there on the header is my inspiration.
“We are responsible for the homes we build. There will be calm and wind, sunlight and shadows, joy and sorrow. But if we really try, our home can be a bit of heaven here on earth.” President Thomas S. Monson
By doing the basics well, I think it will help our home be a bit more like heaven. We can always HOPE!


Anonymous said...

Kristin told me about that, too. I really want to do it --once I have a moment... It is a great idea. I'd love to see your six week plan to know what kind of meals you plan.

Anonymous said...
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April said...

ok I will deal with your post later...I sort of breezed through it because I saw that it had to do with meal planning and making our homes...perfect or whatever. I am interested...I need to put it off to the side right now- because I feel GUILT at the moment-....anyway

but I just want to ask you a favor. I am working on a online book club and I want to create buttons for people to put on their blogs. I will post the buttons I want in the sidebar on

and maybe you could direct me how to make the picture into a button and also with the html code so they can post it on their blog.???? I don't even know you- but I do sort of- and Marne tells me you are the most amazing person. So here I am- some blog friend- and I need you help!

Let me know- since your blog is private- my email is

April said...

oh wait- I think I need to edit some of the pictures- you can't see the writing very well.

Alison said...

What a fabulous idea! I was just heading out to the grocery store but I'm going to go a little later and sit down right now to fill this out first. I love it! Thanks for sharing your chart. You are so wonderful to share all your fantastic ideas to make our lives a little easier! I just love you!

Heather H said...

What a great idea, I too totally struggle with deciding what is for dinner maybe this will help me! Thanks!!

Callie said...

I am a total meal planner. I have found that it works SO much better. And, I'm also a make dinner in the morning kind of girl. Because at 4pm, I can barely stand anymore, let alone think about food. Even if it's something that I can't cook yet (like fajitas), I cut the onions and peppers and thaw and cut the chicken and put in all the spices and put it in a ziploc so all I have to do is throw it in a pan. I'll also grate the cheese, dice tomatoes and lettuce, etc. so that dinner is essentially ready. I do this almost every day and even though the little ones are still there in the morning, for some reason it's much easier to do it in the morning!

You're great to do a 6 week menu plan! I have a 2 week one that I rotate that is our food storage one too. We don't eat it every day, but I try to stick to it for the most part. But, 6 weeks with no repeats would be fantastic!

Ann Marie said...

I love your meal plan idea! Thanks for sharing! I'm gonna steal it, thanks so much!

Angela said...

As always,thanks for the inspiration Heather. Would you mind posting your actual meal plan? Maybe we could all try this and post them and then swap ideas.

I think this will help as we all work on our 3 month's supply and 1 year of food storage.

Love you!

angela said...

It's true, 4pm is the worst time ever when I am in a dinner frazzle and everyone is starting to go a little bit crazy. Your not a fan of food--that must come in a little handy for staying thing like you do =). I'm a fan. Anyway, you are very cool. Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely try it if only a couple of weeks at a time at first. My dinner is actually done for tonight--a rare occasion and it feels great!