Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's quite humorous actually...

Two things from my childhood I loved that my mom made were homemade bread and chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. And those 2 things I seriously can't make for the life of me. BUT - I keep practicing in hopes that someday I'll figure it out.

Last Spring I ventured into The Bread Experiment to practice my skills. Each time I had some mishap.  The alien-head bubble was probably the coolest.  I had a few very flat loaves before I switched to a better yeast.  I did have a beautiful loaf of half wheat/half white.  That was a freak mini-success!

When I saw these 'How to' videos on EveryDay Food Storage, it made me excited to try again. After all, she makes it look so easy.

So I pulled out my wheat grinder for the first time EVER. Hannah and I had fun grinding some wheat. Then during quiet time I put together the batch of bread. I used brown sugar that she suggested to go with the wheat. Yum!

Here's the result:

I knew when I was rolling it out, that it had too much flour. Sigh... But I decided to bake it anyways. The top, though not even, was lovely. The sides split from the 'too much flour' factor. The flavor of the bread was good though.

But do you see this problem?

Ummm yeah... lovely. I didn't bake it long enough. I baked it for 20 minutes and it looked done. I even did her tap, tap test on the bottom and it sounded hollow. Unfortunately, it was too doughy in the middle so it all sunk.

Hannah keeps encouraging me. She said, "Mom, I just love homemade bread, even if it isn't always the best."

I'm not giving up yet.  I'll keep ya updated.


Callie said...

I have major mishaps with yeast too. I don't know what it is about it- but I'm scared to death of making bread! Good job- keep practicing!

Shelley Gee said...

Don't give up yet! I had the same problem. I ended up leaving my bread in 10 extra minutes because it was never cooked inside and I thought the top was going to be really burned but when I sprayed it it was fine and the inside was great. My only problem is that is the only kind of bread I can make that I know will work...everything else is a work in progress. You should talk to Diana, she make homemade bread like a mad woman and it is ALWAYS perfect!!!

Diana said...

Shelley's comment makes me laugh. I do get my kicks from my homemade bread. I have a great recipe for 6 loaves of heavenly whole wheat bread. I grind my wheat too. Good stuff!

April said...

LOL...oh my gosh- your loaf of bread looked so good from the outside...I am laughing so hard about the inside.

I too can't figure out how to do anything like my mom- I hear we giggle the same- so that should be good enough until I master the whole bread, sewing, homemaking thing...

Alison said...

Oh no! That is too funny Heath. I love you for sharing that! Thanks for making me laugh. You're the best to keep on tryin'! And I love Hannah's comment. So sweet. Love ya!

Amy D. said...

Oh,What a beautiful loaf, Heath. Darn the inside. I love you and know your bread will cooperate with you in time. Keep trying.

angela said...

I love that. It looks prettier on the outside than any of my bread EVER looks. Very cool. When I got a bosch I took months of determined practice because my bread never turned out until I actually watched my friends' mom make her whole wheat home made bread and saw all the little tricks, that are so easy. It's the only recipe that I ever make. I made it only day with another friend and she blogged the whole method with pictures for every step. I just have to find where it is...if you like all wheat flour, that is--very light and yummy...

Reeses Pieces said...

I never bake bread. I'm too intimidated and scared I'll get the same result. Don't give up though. I'm sure you'll figure it out and it will taste yummy!

Anonymous said...

heather, i know no one that has a harder time with bread than you! You are so funny--I think you are cursed! Not that I know what I am doing at all! I know they aren't as pretty, etc, but my bread from my bread machine is great. and I think the only way to go is with your own ground wheat! Good luck!

Marne said...

Oh Heather. Sorry about me laughing...but that is just too funny! Keep will eventually get it!