Friday, March 27, 2009

a doozy of a week : parenting

I'm realizing the older kids get, the more complicated parenting becomes. I think my eternal dilemma is finding appropriate consequences and methods for teaching the kids.

I desire so much for them to be honest, true, strong for the right, and pure. And my heart is sad when they don't seem to learn the lessons quickly. Not that I always learned these things quickly either...

On Monday, after a battle over tidying rooms and the kids having honesty problems, they lost tv privileges all week. It was my choice obviously, but goodness - it's harder on me than them. But I do have to say it's been nice to NOT listen to the morning kid's shows. And chores are sometimes getting done earlier (keyword: sometimes)

So this week has been a tiresome parenting week. I felt like Hannah was pushing to see how far she could go so I was trying to set the appropriate limits and lay down the law.

But I also felt like I was missing the deep-down issues and trying to put my finger on what they were.

My sis-in-law reminded me that kids push and push their limits (perhaps not realizing why) to see if you'll be strong with them. It helps them feel secure as a person and in the relationship when the parent defines rules and limits.

But she also reminded me that positive interactions are so important through the hard battling times... to write positive notes or say kind remarks about their good behavior, accomplishments, and such.  Those positive moments help them feel loved and secure as well.

And last of all... last night I was reading Julie Beck's Gen R.S. talk from last conference. She talked about heeding personal revelation.
"[Personal Revelation] will happen as we allow ourselves to be still enough and quiet enough to listen to the voice of the Spirit."
That reminded me that I need to seek inspiration through scriptures and prayer for parenting struggles ... to be still and quiet in my heart to be able to hear.

I saw this quote on a blog that I thought was appropriate for my week. I may not have pleasure in disciplining, but I can find joy and happiness in parenting and loving and teaching my kids even if that means it comes with a little struggle and hopefully a little accomplishment.


Amy D. said...

Wow! That quote sums life up very nicely. And it is so true. Wickedness is all about short cuts and selfishness, and happiness is all about serving and enduring and loving. Now, little pleasures are nice, but don't go as deep, nor do they usually require the effort that really rewarding joys do. Hurray for parents who stand strong so their kids will, too!

Lexie said...

Ahhh, parenting.......the joy and heartache of it all. I love the quote and all your thoughts.

Marne said...

I am stealing your quote :) Once again I love how you put things. Just what I needed to read!

April said...

Heather- I saw this quote on Marne's blog and I thought, "of course it's from Heather"

ok parenting really sucks sometimes and I really hated hearing you say that it gets more difficult the older they get. Really????

oh brother- and then some girl in my ward just reminded me that a child's personality and height of creativity is developed by age 5...and then I panicked thinking, oh at least I have 2 more years to figure this out before Kenzie is 5 and she is ruined forever...LOL.

Mormon moms worry so much. We just feel the weight of the world, church, the last days, having a house of order, faith, blah blah...

but at least we are engaged in something good right? Anxiously engaged? Not so much at times- but at least we are trying to do what is right and regardless of what others may say- I honestly don't think we would stretch and grow as much as we need to without being a mom...stay at home mom- raising kids in the gospel...

So thank you for the pleasure vs happiness reminder. Can I steal your quote too? I might put it on my sidebar???

Sally said...

Totally needed this was one of THOSE days!

katie and co. said...

AHhhhhh........Had my little dose of Heather's blog today and now I feel much better. I love your blog. It's honestly one of my favorites!