Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Books... books... books

For Christmas Auntie Janers and Uncle Seth gave the kids gift-certificates to Barnes & Noble. I finally got it all together and on Friday after Hannah's doctor appointment in Provo, we headed to the book store.

The kids loved it! Max just wanted to run around like a crazy baby which was a nightmare for me. He kept finding the Baby Einstein's books. He loves the lift-the-flap one.

Abe found the books of his dreams. Hannah found lots of options and I convinced her to try a new series - American Girls - because I knew she would love it.

Here are their selections.
Anyhoo... we love to read and I need to make more time to sit down with the kids to enjoy all these great books and much needed snuggle time.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Oh, oh, oh, I LOVE your books. Ok, I justlove books. Hurray for reading!