Friday, March 27, 2009

Autumn / Winter ... all over again

Wednesday felt like Autumn. It was obviously a Spring rain, but the air felt like Autumn for some reason. So I got out the cinnamon sticks, apple juice, and oranges and warmed them on the stove for my house to smell yummy and feel cozy.

And sure enough - it was an Autumn day ... for Thursday we had a blustery WINTERY snow storm with bitterly cold winds. And poor little Hannah had to walk home from the bus stop in the cold because her mother didn't leave visiting teaching a few minutes earlier (next time I'll remember my watch). Thank goodness for hot chocolate and warm running water to warm hearts and hands.

Wednesday's mood and weather somehow made me think of this image. A positive spot in a brrrrr... cold week.
(lighthouse image by jetstoneblue)

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

What Rocky Mountain spring weather you are having ;). Wish we were there in it, too. And after the storm, the sunshine rays of hope. Beautiful picture.