Friday, February 06, 2009

Anton and Fannie

These pages I created a few years ago, but as part of heritage month, I thought I'd share them for any Samuelson/Price relatives who are interested.

I don't have as many original/digital photos from this side of the family. My grandma Rasmina Beck has a wonderful history with a lot of lovely photos, and I hope to someday get some of those originals scanned in.  Anton OleBak Samuelson was my grandmother's father who was born in Norway and eventually came to America.

I just love this quote by Abigail Adams. It does remind me to remember all that those who went before me who endured so that I could reap the blessings of their sacrifice.


Amy D. said...

Those are beautiful pages of our great-grandparents, Heath. I'm sure they are smiling down on your efforts.

Diana said...

Wow, I am so impressed with your love for family history! You're very inspiring to me & incredibly talented! Keep up the amazing work!

angela said...

These are going to be so very good for you and every one who follows you to have. Very cool.