Wednesday, December 08, 2010

random thoughts on a DIG DEEP day

Hot Grapenuts with Craisins... have you ever had this? I hadn't for years... until this morning. Hit the spot - it did!

Love notes from 6-year-olds... have you seen a cuter love note? i think not. It's from Abe.  He drew it during sacrament meeting. Simple cuteness.

Today was a DIG DEEP mothering day... but for Jimmy I am grateful - he stayed home an extra hour or two so I could exercise and shower. Can I just say that showering solo without tots around was nice? And it was nice to relieve some stress while walking on the treadmill.

Tru: He woke up saying "wah-wah" = waffles. Then "daddeeee". Yep, he loves both. This afternoon I fed him some juice from my grapefruit. He shuddered from the sourness. "Mo-mo" = more. Then puckered up and shuddered. Then wanted more. It was funny. Tru has a snoggy nose, which means he breaths really loud and through his mouth. I think I wipe his nose every 2 minutes. I realized yesterday that I am now one of those moms who keeps a wad of toilet paper or tissues in my pocket to pull out and wipe tot's noses.

Making it good: Abe said, "Today was bad (thumbs down), but then I made it good (thumbs up)." After he cheered up and was playing with Tru, he kept putting one of his color-changing cars in the fridge, then by the heater. It made me laugh.

I found a $5 bill in my checkbook when I went to write a check for school lunches. Hey - that's like 2 containers of ice cream. Yummers!

Max took a nap today... A miracle. A much-needed miracle.

I made dinner before 2 p.m.   A miracle.  Not the best dinner ever... but I was so glad it was made and only had to be baked. I sat and listened to Abe read at 4:30... that doesn't happen very often.

Did you know that life as a 2-year-old is tragic?.... Really - if your cookie broke in 2 pieces, you would cry as if it were a crisis. And having a 1-year-old touch you... oh dear... tragedy. But - then again.... 2-year-olds sure enjoy things in life... like burping... over and over and over... and chocolate ice cream cones.  Yes, 2-year-olds love those.  sigh... what is a mother to do?

Stinky socks: I walked within a mile of Abe's stinky socks. Wow. Killer smell. I asked him how many days he had been wearing the same socks. 1. 2. 3. Yes, 3 days.. with snow boots on all day. Not sure why - because he has a drawer full of clean socks. I think today would be a good day for a shower.

I burned a batch of cookies... bummer. My love came home from scouts and I had to explain the lying drama/situation that was going on with child #1 = distraction and I forgot to set the timer. Then we read a Christmas story, sang Away in a Manger, had a scripture message from dad, family prayer... Ummm yah - burned cookies.

silly band necklace and silly face
Hannah wrote a song called Crashing through the Snow... a variation of Jingle Bells. She sang it to us last night in front of the Christmas tree. It was clever and had rhyming words such as tree, ski, knees. Well, here it is...

Crashing through the snow
on old broken skiis
Crashing into trees
Breaking my 2 knees
Now I am in
the hospital car
This isn't a very fun Christmas Eve

oh, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
It isn't very fun
to ski into a tree
Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells
Jingle all the way
It isn't very fun
to ski - on - Christmas - Eve!!!!!

Interesting change: This morning = hard. Whiny boys... crying boys... screaming boys... following mom around the house - boys. So - I decided not to try to get anything else done. No errands. No projects. No dishes. No laundry. I read to Max while Tru slept. I taught Tru a new trick of throwing balls down the slide. My attitude changed. I survived the day much better ... even though the boys still needed extra time and love from mom.


Amy D. said...

I just about died laughing at all the hilarious kid things! Hannah has Dad's talent for rewriting lyrics. How cool! And the things your boys do, ah, it takes me back to the days.... Though Uncle Paul gave Jim pickle juice to watch him pucker!

So glad you had a good start to the day. Bless Jimmy's heart.

Love you all. We burned some cookies this week, too. Send 'em to Grandpa Nelson!

Steph and Eric said...

Glad you made it through your dig deep day. love you friend.