Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Gratitude Journey : November 30

Hannah's Grateful List:
my family
my friends
my toys
my school
the church
the temple
reading & books
love at home

Abraham's Grateful List:
my Legos
my home
my family
my friends
my mom and dad
our neighbors

Warmies: as in... hot chocolate, hot apple cider, coats, fuzzy sweaters, microfleece sweats, soft gloves, scarves, fleece hats, boot socks and boots (especially my cowgirl boots)... why? because this morning when the tots left for school it was 1 degree outside. That, my friends, is chilly for Utah... perhaps not for Idaho where I grew up (the land of the arctic where we teen-dorks wore shorts and no coat in negative temps) ... but chilly for this family who once resided in toasty florida and arizona ...

1 comment:

Angela said...

1 degree. ughh!!! come visit us!!