Just thought I'd share the 2010 Primary Theme images I created. The purpose is to remind me to focus FHE on the monthly topics to support what the tots are learning in Primary. I also need reminders of the songs so we can practice those before the program. I am going to spiral bind these to hang on a bulletin board in our dining room.

Click below to link to the Picasa Web album where you can download the full-size 5x7 images.
Let me know if you'd like me to email you the Costco album link so you don't have to upload for printing.
This is the link for the Church distributed 2010 Sharing Time Outline where I got the monthly topics and weekly focus.P.S. Please don't sell or distribute to the masses.
Heather, I hope you know that you are one of the sweetest people I have ever met. You have all of these talents and are willing to share with your friends. I appreciate that so much! I don't even have kids, but I love to have them just for myself! Thank you!
beautiful Heather! Thanks so much for sharing. I am a primary teacher now and if you don't mind I would love to share with my Primary President........
This is awesome Heather!!! Would you mind emailing me the Costco link? Thank you so much!
yes this is lovely...
ok I want the costco link too.
thank you so much
why do you do the things you do?
thank you thank you thank you!
heather you are so talented. 4 kids a baby and you still put together wonderfully beautiful things. I hope things are going well with your family.
If you don't mind I would love to print these for my primary, I am the second counselor now and I they would be so nice. If you don't mind just email the link, if you do - it's ok I understand that too. Hope you doing well with all that cold weather up there.
Ooooo, those are so professional and smart looking! I'd love the Costco link.
I miss having your talent here! (and your friendship here too)!
You are just so talented!! Would you mind emailing me the link? purplecow112@hotmail.com Thanks!!
costco link this way =). you are STILL amazing. travispassey@hotmail.com
Hi Heather, These are just wonderful and I can't wait to use them with my girls. Can you please send me the Costco link. Thank you!
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