Sunday, November 22, 2009

sweet dreams

One thing I'm especially grateful for lately is my bed. After feeding baby Truman in the middle of the night, I love, love, love snuggling into my cozy bed. When I was pregnant we got a Tempurpedic mattress on a rockin' clearance price. It's a bit firm, but I love it! It's my favorite mattress of all time.

This morning, after hearing the tots fussing outside my door, I have to admit I was tempted to hide under the covers for the rest of the day.

But alas, like the shower idea, mothers can't retreat all day. So I shall make the most of the short intermittent retreats I get during the day and night to sleep in a cozy bed, rejuvenate my spirit with some reading inspiration, eat some comfort foods, listen to a great tune, etc.

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