Thursday, February 05, 2009

footballs, hula-hoops, hot cocoa, sunrise

Hannah decided last night that she was going to be super healthy by exercising and eating right. She hula-hooped while the boys played football and ran around. I'm thinking defensive line for Abe?? and maybe wide receiver for Max???  I like this photo.

But I like this one even better because Abe and Max weren't posing. All naturale!

I love this kid. He has a ton of energy especially in the wintertime when he can't run outside and get it out. I love the kids in the background. Hannah is teaching our little friend how to dance. Max is trying on a cowboy hat.

This is Max! He likes the pantry. We try and keep the door shut but occasionally he slips in to grab the Nestle chocolate milk. It's almost bigger than him.

This is Max in the morning when I'm making hot chocolate for the kids. He wants some too.

Oh joy - yum - delicious hot chocolate... not much whining going on now.

The sun did rise today despite yesterday's catastrophic mothering day. And look at this lovely sunrise - the view from our playroom (at least until they build the house next door)
"There is hope smiling brightly before us."


Janey said...

i totally love this picture of max crying...seth said it looks like a cartoon! Fun pictures heathy!!!

Sally said...

Darling photos!