Saturday, February 07, 2009

Abe's newest talent

This video is what came about at supper tonight. Abe occasionally will be talking quickly and then he gets wacky and does this gobble-gobble something-or-other. Not quite sure what it is, but it made me laugh and laugh. He does it by far the fastest of anyone in our family. I consider it a great talent of his. Y'all can try to see if you can do it as fast as that. Go!

And then at scriptures tonight when we read about Laman and Lemuel tying up Nephi on the boat and then being mean to him, Abe said, "Oh, that is not a good idea. Maybe they should get a heart."

Abe sure adds some color and spice to our life.


Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. He must get it from your mom - she does a great duck sound.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for that! I am cracking up! Again again!

Steph and Eric said...

i love your little gobbler!

Cheri said...

We love Abe!!!!

Amy D. said...

Usually Abe's sounds are slower but this one is sooo fast! How funny!