Saturday, January 17, 2009

we got a dollar ... hey, hey, hey, hey!

it's a grimacing
job to
through the budget.
i thoroughly despise money.
i know suze orman says she honestly and sincerely loves money... but whatever!
i don't.

i wish it didn't have to exist. but exist it does. ugg...

and i actually have $1 left in my budget.  oh joy.  actually - abe would be rich if he had a dollar.  it's all relative, i suppose.

so - two quotes for the evening:

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." Oscar Wilde (I guess I'm thinking of this one as this:  we don't need money to be happy.  I'm grateful we can pay the bills.  We don't have much, but we can still have fun adventures for free {that's the looking at the stars part - the looking up - the optimism part... get it?}  sigh...)

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." Robert Frost (Jimmy reminds me that I don't need to cry over our budget.  I'll stop crying when we get out of student/car/house/dumb debt in a million years.  In the mean time... life will go on ... and we'll survive ... and still find JOY IN THE JOURNEY.)

The Grand Finale of my whiny money post - to add some cheer! Buckwheat and Porky made my night with their glee over $1.

So ... the glorious pioneer hymn I just listened to reminded me to "gird up your loins, fresh courage take." I know this was meant for more important matters... but it helps with all sorts of discouragements - eh?!

1 comment:

Jenni Taysom said...

so, I;m not the only one who hates to budget? I dread it and put it off and then it becomes a bigger task than it needs to be - I need to just keep reminding myself that I'm *telling my money what to do* , it just seems the other way around.