Friday, December 05, 2008

It came down like this

The day started at 6 a.m. with Max.  I soooo didn't want to get up at 6 a.m.  That's early for me.  Most of the morning I didn't want to deal with mom responsibilities like poopy diapers, whiney kids, dishes, breakfast, and such.

I was grouchy about all the money spent on our car and thinking of all the various ways I could spend that $600.  I didn't have the best attitude.


We picked Hannah up for school and she changed my perspective on the day.

She got in the car and gave Abe half a piece of gum that a friend had given her.  They compared what color it was once chewed.

Then she showed Abe all her work and told him about everything she did at school.

She told how they were all monkeys at recess and how they made reindeer bags to hold ornaments and treats.

I had told the kids I would pay them 25 cents each to help watch Max while I showered earlier this morning.  Probably silly, but I did it anyways to have peace and quiet in my shower.

So of course when we headed to the store they wanted to spend their quarter.  Can't buy much of anything for 25 cents these days.

Hannah had the brilliant idea to give Abe her quarter so he could buy something.  Great thinking dear!  So she pitched in some of her other quarters and they bought a pack of Airheads (which soooo remind me of Jr. High).  They were so cute purchasing their candy with their own money.

And throughout our errands Hannah was just fun.

She laughed.

She guffawed.

She giggled.

She held Abe's hand.

She smiled.

She was fun.

She said on the drive home,
"Mom, I just really appreciate this treat you let us buy.
When you let me have something I love, I appreciate it so much...
even hot chocolate."

Then as soon as we got home, she had the idea to ride bikes in the garage.  "Yay!  Come on abe."  They pretended they were in a tornado since they just had to go around and around and around.

I'm so glad to have joyful spirits in my life.

Hannah is lighthearted (in a good way), smiley, cheerful, and full of joy.

She reminds me that to have a good day, you just need to make it so.

The last thing Hannah said when I kissed her goodnight was, "Tomorrow will you make pumpkin pancakes for breakfast.  Yum.   Oh Thank you mom." as if that would make tomorrow a joyful day too.

And then there is Max.  Today when I got him up from his nap, he reminded me of Santa.  Rosy red cheeks, big smile, short turned up nose, and sparkly eyes full of glee. Plus, he loves the simplest of things... like the dishwasher and the cupboard of kids bowls and cups.

After a dinner of chicken salad sandwiches, my day was ending much better than it started... thanks to those around me who chose to find joy.


Janey said...

ahhh i love it heathy!!! Yay for hannah! I needed her in my life today, too!! (oops...) :) Thanks for sharing.

Shelley Gee said...

Wow, you have such a sweet daughter!! Isn't it nice when you can learn such great lessons from kids!

Anonymous said...

It honestly looks like you took that picture of Max in my house! We have the same thing...the cupboard right next to the dishwasher with plastic containers filled with kid dishes, which Braden LOVES to reorganize! Cute!

Amy D. said...

Hmm, I am going to choose to find joy this whole month! Thanks for using the word glee. It keeps making me smile :)

angela said...

That's awesome--I guess that peacemaking and happy spirit just is natural to some children. I have one with the opposite problem, always finding things to be sad about, and I wonder if I have instilled it in him. I loved that entry, and the little babes and their glee really are priceless and wonderful. I really loved the elf videos, too, I need to try it. You are amazing!

Heather H said...

You have the cutest kids ever! Thank you for being such a good example for me.

abby's photo shoppe said...

Oh how I love this post!