Friday, December 12, 2008

The Full Cold December Moon

Have you ever tried to take a photo of the moon? Well, I have oodles of times and it never worked for me. I ended up with a huge black photo with a dot of white barely visible.

I always thought it would be cool to capture the way the moon really looked. And this photographer has done just that.

Photo by IvoryHut

I remember so many frigid winter nights when I was outside looking at the stars/moon or chatting with friends or jogging with sisters. Taking astronomy at Ricks during the Winter Semester also provided opportunity for freezing cold nights searching for constellations.

I never realized that the moon in December was any different from any other time of the year, but I learned something new tonight.

Ivoryhut explains, "The full cold moon, also known as December moon, is unusually large and bright. It happens when the moon is closest to the earth. According to The Farmers’ Almanac, it is also called the Long Night Moon because the moon is above the horizon for a long time."

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