Saturday, November 08, 2008

Gratitude - E

Each life that touches ours for Good.

You know those people in your life that lift your heart just when you need it, those who are examples of service, those who smile or gave a hug when you were down, those who speak encouraging words, and those who sit and cry with you.

I'm grateful for EACH of those people in my life... for there are many.

Jimmy's cousin had a baby on Wednesday.  Because of a dwarfism condition he wasn't expected to live through delivery. He did survive though!  Because of physical deformities, he isn't expected to live past 2-6 weeks old. But even this little spirit has touched my life for good. He must be such a special spirit to only be on earth for such a short while.
I admire Every person who deals with hard circumstances and Endures it well.

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