Thursday, October 16, 2008

yogurt and miracles

Hannah's fall break started today. It's not quite like having a two week harvest vacation, but 3 days is enough for a little girl who loves school.  And today was such a lovely day with sunshine and warmth!

Since we can't do lunch at the church cafeteria with Jimmy on school days, we headed up to SLC today.  The kids love going to the big city and seeing dad. I love that even though they see him all the time, they run up to him and are so excited to meet him at work.

Favorite thing at the cafeteria - Poisonberry Frozen Yogurt.

After lunch we walked over to the Relief Society building. We went down to see the Auxiliary displays. It was so neat! I wanted to read all of the quotes and enjoy it all, but with kids it turned into a whirlwind walk. Abe and Hannah thought it was neat too (in a busy sort of way!)... especially these GINORMOUS scriptures.
Abe liked this quilt and both kids thought it was cool that the hands were the same size as theirs (sorry about the fingerprints!)
This rug was so neat. It had CTR in so many different languages all around the edges. The paintings are by Walter Rane.
Even though we walked through the displays quickly, I read a few things to the kids hoping they would feel the Spirit and remember that much. I loved when Abe would respond with things like, "I love Jesus. He loves me. Jesus teaches the children."

Sometimes in the ruckus of childhood energy, I think the Spirit still whispers truths to their hearts. And that is indeed a miracle!

So - yeah - if you are ever in SLC, head down to the Auxiliary displays and take a peek. Next time I'll be glad to see R.S. and Y.W. displays but the Primary one was great for the kids today.


shauna said...

That looks like a fun thing to do! Cute post.

Heather H said...

What a fun thing to do, I had no idea those were even there.