Monday, October 20, 2008

Redneck or Elmer Fudd?

I found this Dialectizer service that translates text into various dialects. I entered my previous post about Max turning 10 months and this is what it spit out. Too funny!

Redneck Dialect:
ah can hardly believe this hyar babe is 10 months old? Ev'ry time we lop his hair we notice it looks mo'e an' mo'e blond, blast it all t' tarnation. Today he was doin' this hyar funny crawl on his han's an' feet ... fo'git th' knees man! Fry mah hide! On over th' past month, he has been a bit of a grouch fum cuttin' 4 teeth. But he's still tho'oughly injoyin' jest about enny kind of real varmints grub. Max reckons he is so funny an' he loves t'laugh an' smile (unless someone other than Maw an' Paw try t'hold him an' then he's all tears.)

Elmer Fudd Style:
I can hawdwy bewieve this babe is 10 months owd? Evewy time we cut his haiw we notice it wooks mowe and mowe bwond. Today he was doing this funny cwaww on his hands and feet ... fowget the knees man! Ovew the past month, he has been a bit of a gwouch fwom cutting 4 teeth. But he's stiww thowoughwy enjoying just about any kind of weaw peopwe food. Max thinks he is so funny and he woves to waugh and smiwe (unwess someone othew than mom and dad twy to howd him and then he's aww teaws. Oh, dat wascawwy wabbit! )
Anyone for some real varmints grub???

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

That is a cool translator!