Friday, October 03, 2008

My newest excitement - storage shelves

Last Saturday when I was at the R.S. broadcast, Jimmy installed these shelves under our stairs.Until I get a gynormous storage room of my dreams (key word: dream), my pantry and this spot will make do.  I'm rather excited because this house has more storage space than our homes in Florida or Tennesee.  Considering that before these shelves, every random thing was tossed in this closet, I'm quite pleased with the potential for order (keyword: potential).

Hannah and Abe had different plans for this space - a clubhouse like Grandma and Grandpa Price's to play in.But this is more what I had in mind. It's already filling up but I'm so glad for the space I do have. Once I get in to the end, I have to back out slowly with head bent so I don't bonk on the low ceiling. I think I need one of those beeping signals to alert anyone that large load is backing up. Beep-beep-beep-snort.


Marne said...

Yay! How exciting! I would love that under my stairs...but under our stairs is a half-bath. I keep telling Chad we need the storage so badly we should rip out that half-bath.

My kids would do the same's a perfect hideaway!

Julie said...

What a great use of space. Your kids look so cute in their "clubhouse".

katie and co. said...

THis looks awesome, Heather! So inspiring! Where did you get your buckets and gamma lids?