Sunday, October 19, 2008

10 months already?

I can hardly believe this babe is 10 months old? Every time we cut his hair we notice it looks more and more blond. Today he was doing this funny crawl on his hands and feet ... forget the knees man!

Over the past month, he has been a bit of a grouch from cutting 4 teeth. But he's still thoroughly enjoying just about any kind of real people food. Max thinks he is so funny and he loves to laugh and smile (unless someone other than mom and dad try to hold him and then he's all tears.)


Amy D. said...

I love the haircut! Max's hair is different than any kids, I think. It goes its own way.

Mary said...

His haircut does look nice! He is seriously already 10 months? Really? How is that possible?? I love his fun little personality!

katie and co. said...

Oh my! Is that the cutest little boy or what? How could you not totally be in love with that sweet babe of yours. So cute, Heather.

Jeanna said...

What a cutie! I think he's starting to look more like Abe, especially in the second picture. What a fun age, enjoy!