Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Sound of Silence

(Sound of silence search = photo above.  Most lovely I'd say!)

I have the house to myself on this Saturday morn. Hurrah!  Jimmy took the two tots to the park and Maxwell, the grouch pot, is sleeping (hopefully!).

There are a million things I want to do with this precious quiet time... like paint my downstairs, organize and dejunk all the chaos, hang up pictures, vacuum and mop, deep clean the bathrooms, or deep clean anything for that matter.

All that work would require a week's + worth of time.  But why is it when I have time to myself I just want to take a nap. I'm a tired mama! So - we'll see what gets done.

I've decided housekeeping is all about Inertia.

1. Physics: The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force.

This object at rest wants to stay at rest (why getting out of bed is so hard for this mama). When I finally get the groove and motion thing going (and am not interrupted by tots), then I tend to get my work momentum up to speed.

Getting off my seat to get into motion.... motion ... motion...


Alison said...

Heather, you are so positive. I just love you! You're blog is so fun and so uplifting. I just always think over and over what lucky kids you have to have you for their mother! That is a huge blessing that one day they will realize and be so grateful for!!!

Carol said...

I hear ya, Heath! Isn't it crazy how much we have to do and how little time to do it in? And when you finally do get a free minute, you want to just do what you want, not what you have to or ought to, right?? I was thinking that very thing today as I got distracted on the way to do the laundry, on the way to do the dishes, on the way to clean the piles . . . you get the idea . . . when all I really wanted to do was make a milkshake and sit down. You explained it so well!! Good luck!