Sunday, September 28, 2008

I love this store

Saturday morning 8 a.m. (bright and early for me to be out the door - I'm tellin' ya) found me here:

for this kinda shopping experience.

I'm likin' the case lot sale idea. It's so convenient to pick up a case of something. Hard to push that heavy cart full of canned goods but fulfilling to do mass shopping without tagging 3 tots along.  Western Family - here I come! Yee-haw!

Plus, I just have to say that every employee I've met at Macey's (at least in Pleasant Grove) is so nice. Almost every one I saw smiled and said hi and not in an annoyed way, they were just plain nice. I've had my share of unfriendly unhelpful store clerks in my days in Florida and Tennessee. But shopping at Macey's has been a great experience for me. Too bad it isn't closer to my house. Once-a-month trip works for now.

See ya next case lot sale, my friendly Macey's store.


Jan said...

I always love to go to the grocery store in Utah because it is actually a pleasant experience with friendly store clerks. Georgians aren't to friendly, hopefully CT will be better. And case lot sale? We never see those here. We need to move back to the west coast.

Amanda said...

We don't have case lot sales here either! I kind of miss them. And whenever I went shopping at the maceys in Spanish Fork, I always got lots of friendly smiles and hellos. I think it must be a requirement to be nice to work at Maceys.

Jolene said...

oh, I love and miss Macey's. Macey's is still my favorite grocery store.

Callie said...

I love Macey's too- oh how I miss it. I've had the huge excuse of not doing food storage since I've moved here because there are no case lot sales and no cannery near by. I really need to get on the ball- thanks for reminding me!