Sunday, September 21, 2008

A good thing - Sundance

Yesterday we were in need of a fun family adventure.

With cool temps and leaves starting to change colors, we headed up Provo Canyon to Sundance. 

We went from needing an umbrella to putting on sunglasses to bundling up with more layers to taking off the layers - welcome to Autumn!

I thoroughly enjoyed it all - especially watching the kids enjoy themselves and seeing the views.

This is my favorite photo from the day. Kids running free up the trail to the amphitheater.
There's always a bit of silliness going on with these tots (and their silly mom encouraging them to freeze like statues!)
Munchkin Max had a grand time riding in the hiking backpack. He was happy the entire time.
My favorite Mt. Timp (which, by the way, will not be hiked by this frumpy mama this year. It was my goal to make it up this fall, but that is soooo not happening. Hopefully I'll have my life together enough next year to get in shape... sigh)
The cool totem pole made us think of Steph in Alaska.
I think they set up Sundance to have a zillion cool photo spots.
Funny stuff from the day:

Hearing the wild turkey gobble-gobble... and then hearing Abe imitate the turkey - rather well I might add.

Hannah saying that she was not a nature girl because she didn't like bugs. But she reassured me by saying that she still liked hiking. She freaked out a bit at the idea of going on the ski-lift. But we didn't think it would work in the rain with 3 tots.

Seeing max's face the entire time. He had the funniest expressions. He learned to grind his 2 teeth together. He is a totally funny baby!

Nature time in the mountains with the fam is definitely a good thing.


Amy D. said...

Wow, what a pretty day! Fall is falling just a little bit sooner for you guys than it is for us out here. Nice! You all look like you thoroughly enjoyed the day.

abby's photo shoppe said...

HEATHER!!! You are soooo skinny! You look fabulous! I wish I were thin too. Have a GREAT day.

Marne said...

Very pretty! What a fun Sunday activity.

You DO look great Heather!

Christine said...

Thanks for showing us southern people the mountains!

Steph and Eric said...

thanks heath for thinking of me. what a fun adventure!!! i love how you capture your kids.

whenever we see crazy clouds in the sky we alaskans think of YOU!